At Eastcombe, we encourage all of our children to ‘Aim High, Believe and Achieve‘. We firmly believe that we are preparing our pupils for not just the next test, but for their life ahead. This therefore includes developing their enjoyment of the arts, sport, music as well as the essential skills of reading, writing, numerical competence, enquiry, co-operation and so on. We focus on a special value each term and in our life around school, this terms value is ‘Respect and Reverence’. British values are upheld and reinforced in whole school assemblies and where possible linked to current new stories, our value in focus and our school values.

Our school values are intrinsic to everything we do:


To be kind and caring and look after each other.


Be accountable for your behaviour and act as you want to be treated.


Empowered to learn from their mistakes and be confident to have another go.


Being selfless, caring and compassionate through kind acts such as a smile, a nice word, an unexpected deed, or a planned surprise.


Working with others to achieve your objectives. Be more than an individual.

Pupils of all abilities make good progress at our school and achievement is consistently above the national targets. We aim for every pupil to reach their potential and have the chance to shine at what they are good at and enjoy. We are ambitious for our pupils and their potential.

Our class sizes are much smaller than average, meaning that pupils can be afforded more attention by the adults. Pupils stay in each class for more than one year. Consequently, the teacher and teaching assistant get to know them very well and are able to address their needs at a very individual level. This is conducive to the ‘family feel’ we pride ourselves on having.

Thomas Keeble secondary school is very close by and we have excellent links with it. The majority of our pupils transfer there at 11 and, by that time, they have visited the school many times: pupils take part in sporting activities there, we hold our annual whole-school production in their school hall and Year 5 & 6 pupils attend special learning days, for example relating to science, DT or maths. We also have pupils choosing to attend Deer Park School and pupils also choose to sit the Grammar Test. Each year we send pupils on to Marling and Stroud High. We liaise closely with all our local Secondary Schools.