Eastcombe Primary School prides itself on the extra-curricular activities and opportunities that we offer. We encourage our children to try new things and explore the wider world. We are determined that our curriculum promotes our values of; respect, resilience, responsibility, kindness and collaboration. We offer experiences to excite and engage each child in their learning and to ensure their memories of primary school after they leave are happy and fun filled.
Each class has a termly school trip linked to their current topic. Examples of trips include; Slimbridge WWT, Nature in Art, The Ashmolean Museum, the Sewerage works, @Bristol, Chedworth Roman Villa, Bristol Zoo, Croft Farm, Gloucester City Museum and Warwick Castle. We also take our Year 5 and Year 6 children on an biannual residential trip. We use PGL and visit alternate coastal and rural centres. Activities on offer during this week away include climbing, abseiling, surfing, mud challenge course, zip-wire and quad biking. The children have an amazing time.
Not all of our experiences take place offsite. In the classrooms we have had a Greek Workshop day, an Egyptian Day, a WW2 production, a visiting author, an engineer and a scientist. These opportunities bring learning alive and the children gain so much from them.
We believe in taking the children to events which develop their personal interests and skills. We have been part of the Stroud schools nature quiz for quite a few years and also take a group of older children to compete in the ‘Mock Trial’. We have been successful at both events. Another event we have had success in is the STEMWORKS Junior Engineering Challenge.
We are always seeking to increase our sporting opportunities and we have benefitted enormously from the Sports Grant funding. We have participated in Tag Rugby competitions, Quicksticks Hockey, Cross country, Athletics, Rounders and Country Dancing. We have also used the Mini Marines programme to develop fitness, nutrition and first aid skills.
After school clubs we run include; Construction, Country Dancing, Young Voices, Cricket, Netball, Football, Cross country, Chess, Computing & Coding, Art, Practical skills, Board Games, Cooking and Science to name but a few. This list is ever changing depending on the time of year.
Considering we are a small school, we are VERY busy and have an awful lot to be proud of. We offer our children a broad, rich and deep curriculum focusing on both the academic and personal, social and emotional therefore enabling social mobility. I hope this gives you an insight into some of the things we have to offer.