Teaching Staff
Mrs Jones
Mrs Jones is the Head Teacher of Eastcombe Primary School. Besides running the school, she is responsible for Teaching and Learning, Assessment, SEN, Safeguarding and Curriculum. Mrs Jones has a teaching commitment in each class.
Mr King
Mr King teaches Y3 & Y4 in Hedgehog Class. He enjoys sport and loves teaching and leading PE.
Mrs Monk
Mrs Monk teaches Y5 & Y6 in Owl Class, sharing the class with Mrs Jones. She is the subject leader for Maths.
Mrs Lynham
Mrs Lynham teaches in Squirrel class with our youngest children. She is the subject leader for English.
Mrs Harbin
Mrs Harbin is our SENDCO. She works with teachers and children ensuring our children are receiving the best possible care and education.
Support Staff
Mrs Fowles
Mrs Fowles supports Squirrel class. She also is one of our lunchtime supervisors. Mrs Fowles helps out with our sporting events and leads running club.
Mrs Thomas
Mrs Thomas supports Hedgehog and Owl Class. She is also Clerk to Governors.
Miss Meanwell
Miss Meanwell is our lunchtime supervisor. She enjoys spending time with the children and helping them with their lunches.
Mrs Ulett
Mrs Ulett runs the school office two days a week. She helps organise school trips, communicate with parents and keeps the office running smoothly.
Mrs Woodman
Mrs Woodman works in the school office looking after our finances.
Mrs Jefferies
Mrs Jefferies is one of our midday supervisors. She looks after our children whilst eating and at play.
No employees have a gross annual salary of more than £100,000.