Hello from Hedgehog Class! My name is Mr. King and I am the class teacher. I teach a small mixed age class of Year 3 and 4 children, along with my Teaching Assistant Mrs Thomas.

During each morning, we focus on our Literacy and Numeracy skills. Our English lessons are taught as a whole class, along with guided reading and spellings. Whereas our Maths lessons are taught in individual year groups. This approach to maths ensures that children gain a broader and deeper understanding of the key learning outcomes for their year group.

During each afternoon, we focus on all other curriculum subjects, making links to our current class topic where appropriate.

At the heart of everything that we learn about are the 5 key school values of: collaboration, kindness, respect, responsibility and resilience. After spending two years in this class, children are more independent and confident, which ensures they are best placed for the challenge of moving into Owl class (upper key stage 2).

You can find our latest class topic grids HERE.